6月 13日的日記
Did you say it? I love you... I don't ever want to live without you... You changed my life... Did you say it? Make a plan... Set a goal.. Work toward it... But every now and again, look around.. Drink it in. 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow. -----S05E24, Drey's Anatomy 一直覺得這段文字很美,除了告訴人們相愛的重要,另一個重點也在於應該要即時讓對方知道, 誰都不知道甚麼時候是最後,是吧。 所以這段文字很美。 So, did you say it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 無意間發現的這個網站, 不知道好不好用,如果有手機app版的,說不定就更方便了。

溫度日記 Hearty Journal