I was shocked!
I had done some deep research in order to figure out, the difficulties regarding Japanese people's understanding, speaking and connecting with English.
One moment please......
Hmmmm! Chocolate.
Okay! So.....
In order to create the best methodology of learning for this Campus.
What I had discovered, and now understood Japan's learning difficulties with English on a Ethnographical level.
After I had discussed this with my students, about
my theory of what needs to change.
This news came out!
Again, I will say a good teacher learns there students culture because, when you are trying to help and create a learning platform for a particular culture, that has the desire to learn English.
You have to be creative with the psychology of how you will help your students process and learn.
It's not easy to do, unless you learn to help and support the key issues.
My journey with my students at Campus SV is rooted in Ethnography.
Now, I am happy to teach, learn and support my students to finally take a new approach to learning English.
Let the learning begin.