Hearty Journal

4月 26日的日記--1
https://hearty.me/syongyuanyuan/393897?retry=1 --為什麼又限制我的權力,因為跟你們的利益不符合 是嗎? 我們寧願在裡面做這麼久的困獸之鬥,也不願意去面對因為在裡面大家的風險是嗎? 讓在裡面的人民,倍受威脅,為什麼這樣對待他們? 為什麼可以任意的停掉人民的fb,這是用私人的權力還是政府的權力? Why do you restrict my power because it is not in line with your interests? Isn't it? We would rather stay in it for so long, rather than face the risks of everyone in it, right? Why can you arbitrarily stop the people's fb, this is the use of private power or government power? 為了人民好的政府,會支持刪掉這個社團。 For the good of the people, the government will support the deletion of this society.

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