1月 20日的日記
孩子們,疫情不是今天有戴口罩明天就沒有了,它是需要一段時間的,看住爸爸、媽媽請他們儘量在家裡陪伴你們,並期待疫情早日結束。 然而各國和各地的情況不同,不能同一而論,需視各國國情而定。 對於我,和家人待在家裡沒有想像中的沉悶。 Children, the epidemic does not mean that you wear a mask today and it will be gone tomorrow. It will take a while. Watch your father and mother and ask them to stay with you at home as much as possible, and look forward to the end of the epidemic. However, the situation in different countries and regions is different and cannot be the same. It depends on the national conditions of each country.我想到以前小時候,媽媽會講故事給我聽,想想真懷念。I think that when I was young, my mother would tell me stories. I really miss it. For me, staying at home with my family is not as dull as I imagined. 政府都有他們的專業,很多事不容易,大家是一起一點一點練習一點一點學習。 The government all have their professions, and many things are not easy. Everyone is practicing little by little together. 在這個特殊時期,如果您可以存一點錢,這也是一個不錯的選擇。 In this special period, if you can deposit a little money , this is also a good choice. https://covid-19.nchc.org.tw/dt_004-my_daily_reports...... 主動吃素的四歲男孩 Why I Became A 4-Year-Old Vegetarian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_pIXIIPI2A...... 可愛的小動物,今天素了嗎?Cute little animals, are you vegetarian today?善良的心和神一樣溫暖,就像神一樣。A kind heart is as warm as God, just like God.

溫度日記 Hearty Journal