10月 6日的日記 • Dear Will
Dear Will, It's been some time. I'm assuming you haven't yet received Wendy's postcard. That's why you didn't said anything about it yesterday except for a [How's Wendy?]. I love how on mine, it says [care more about yourself and love yourself]. That [life may not be what you expect it to be, but it will get better]. Care more about yourself, I know she didn't mean it that way, like probably she direct translated it from chinese, hence the lack of sensitivity in that particular phrase. I'd say she meant [Take better care of yourself]. Minus that mistake, her English did seem to be improving, no mistakes anywhere other than that. Might be because she asked the travelling companion? Hmmm... Naah not telling her she has improved. Gotta push her harder. It was a pang to receive that postcard. I appreciate the thought of course, and I already anticipate her to send one to me as well already, but it just serves as a reminder of the day you slit yourself and cut yourself off from the world/me whatever and I was in a very bad form. Flu, chest pain and nauseous I was for 2 weeks straight. You already occupy my mind all the time (Damn that sounded mushy), but to be taken back to that particular week is just... Life may not be what I expect it to be. Of course not. I'm not in denial lol. Given our journey, we were slammed in the face but life itself. XD But it will get better. Like how there's hope in the Pandora box. Like how Randy Pausch painted it on his bedroom wall. I don't know. Will it get better? I'm expecting a graph of a roller coaster. Changed, that's for sure. I'm dreading but waiting for the new year when you'd be gone by then. She's a good friend. It's a matter of time when I'd lose her that's all. People come and go. I don't have any expectations. Not anymore. Call me cold-blooded. Call me a murderer. I don't think I am, not when you die every single day. YJ 20171006

溫度日記 Hearty Journal