Hey man,
How's today? I didn't feel that much stressed out today so hopefully it's the same as you too? Funny how after finals, I sort of have a hunch when you're having one of those stressful days. Coincidence? Pfft... XD But yeah... You can never know about these stuff eh? :) (: :) (:
It's kinda weird I guess you can say? That now every time I have conversations with others, I always link them to the conversations I've had with you. Or the videos you sent me/ we watched together.
People are starting to forget or maybe they stopped asking how is your friend? Is he/she alright? But they don't know you, don't know who you are, which friend of mine it is I've been accompanying. So that's quite reasonable that they forget it ever happened, that there was a period of time that I refused to hang out with them together. :))))
It's been quite some time since we've contacted. Hope all's alright and that you don't think I've forgotten or abandoned you. You're still in my mind all day everyday. (Okay that sounds cheesy but you know what I mean * Brotherly Fistbumps*)