
3月 26日RS的日記
開始忙啦 命 眯眼 太奢侈 剛兩更天........ 邊聼邊忙吧 會開完了 簡報也聼完了 没胃口 累 聼了一晚的輕音樂 快休克了....... 剛剛跟表姐談到疫苗 姐夫表哥前天打了 心臓科神外腎臓科有那麼急嗎 表姐明天要打 聼起來蠻無奈的 但是 好像都不是輝瑞的........ 咳 可憐的醫生没法度 但是 談話時 突然 我想到了小時候常去她房間閙她讀書 一閃 想到了 她的最愛 芝加哥 我還記得那時出到第十七張専輯了 換歌 來 分享一首一翻二翻再翻再再翻唱誰唱都是冠軍的歌曲 當時紅了十五年多 最後再次排行冠軍的翻唱 我印象深刻 現在 我相信都會記得 很喜愛的合唱團 也是 我表姐的最愛 芝加哥合唱團 Presneting I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore I cant fight this feeling any longer Yet, I'm still afraid to let it flow What started out as friendship has grown stronger. I only wish I had the strength to let it show. I tell myself that I can't hold out forever. I say there is no reason for my fear. 'Cause I feel so secure when we're together. You give my life direction, you make eveything so clear. Even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight. Your a candle in the window on a cold dark bitter night. And I'm getting closer than I ever though I might. And I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fighting for. It's time to bring this ship into the shore. And through away the oars forever. 'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fightin' for. And if i have to crawl along the floor. Come crashing through the door. Baby I can't fight this feeling anymore. My life has been such a whirl wind since I saw you. I've been running around in circles in my mind. Babe it always seems that I'm following you girl. 'Cause yuo take me to the places that I thought I'd never find. Even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight. Your a candle in the window on a cold dark bitter night. And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might. And I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fighting for. It's time to bring this ship into the shore. And through away the oars forever. 'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fightin' for. And if I have to crawl along the floor. Come crashing through your door. Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore. source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/c/chicagolyrics/icantfightthisfeelinglyrics.html 那時 她讀書 我聴歌 現在再聼 好棒 讚 享受 唱一唱 休克前救回來了.......Perfectdo Yeah, this song and these feelings also for you.........Star Cause I can not fight this feeling any longer either! 侄女 全校唯一 六科全拿Excellent 我姐説 今天 缺席請病假 然後 學校通知後才知道她是全校唯一全拿Excellent 校長 要求在星期一 在全校晨會再單獨頒一次奬給她 了得 没白疼 舅舅我高中 咳 没有一點出息 但 我還是覺得應該要上音樂系的 不要讀醫學系了 難得 音樂造詣還真不錯説....... 好想留她在身邊 天天彈奏給我聼呢 咳 一天 還是得嫁......... 還不如琴棋書畫好 别再有巧合了 剛要選擇静音時跳出來 爲什麼還没睡...... 天啊 下午啊 睡了怎麼回...... 倒下前還要嚇我就對了 先來個心肺電撃嗎 呼 希望 翻點前能躺平........ 好 昨天日文原唱版 今天立刻丢韓國翻唱版 我還看過好幾版個人創作版跟原唱英文版的 Anyway overall 啊不就是 Baby I love you...... 煩了 我喜歡聽日文原唱原版的 睡了
