看了Lumion 6 燈光教學
Edit material an choose STANDARD>> MORE >>ADVANCED adjust Emissive than your material will be like the sourse of light
and add light a little below the light sourse It might be better also you can Adjust the color
when it comes to dinning table you can put OMNI light in tables at a little higer Edit the property let it be lighter or darker
Emissive 發散的
OMNI 全方位的
botton up /down your shirt or botton your shirt up/down 扣上你的鈕扣 Your botton/shirt is undone 你沒扣你的扣子
do up/down your botton/shirt or do your shirt up/down Unbotton/undo your shirt/botton
collar 衣領
Fix your collar 弄好你的衣領
pop your collar 豎起你的衣領
short sleeves 短袖 roll up/ down your sleeves 捲起來/下你的袖子 Time to roll up your sleeves 該做事了
long sleeves長袖