
5月 17日的日記
禮拜日 天氣晴 今天是第一天用這個軟體,也算是希望可以給自己一個新的氣象吧。不過還是會擔心這次會不會和以往一樣三分鐘熱度,反正也不要有太多的其他想法,此時還是放鬆寫的東西,舒坦一下心情。 這是免費的軟體,介面目前來看還不錯,應該可以好好用一陣子。今天想把這個日記翻成英文試試,感覺會是一件還不錯的練習,不過日文的話,還是先不要好了。如果能夠提升自己的打字能力和書寫文章的能力就好了。 懶懶貓上 Today is the first day to use this software,and hoping it can bring me a brand new life。But still worry that I will quit it soon or not。Well,don't think too much,just relax and write something to express the feeling 。 This is a free software。And the interface looks good now,it should be able to use it for a while。Today I want to translate the content into English,I think it will be a good practice。Regarding the Japanese part,maybe next time。 Last,I really hope that I can improve my typing ability and writing skill by using this software。 Lazy cat
