Dear Love 2
Dear Love, Holding hands is an intimate thing. Not the kind of business manner because usually, we will stand on the opposite sides while greeting. The Holding hands I mean is when you are standing shoulder against each other with someone else. If you are holding hands, that someone must be a special person for you. I agree. The gesture is not only a touch physically but delivering the message you two are one together. There must be some chemistry in between ongoing, and both of you must sense not only the micro electricity but also detecting the stretch of pieces of muscles on that hands. When we see in the big picture of holding hands, there are a lot more happening under the microscopic scales. Love, you could be that in big size but also in the most extreme smallest unit. I would say you are everywhere that when a couple has the feeling, for every moment, even less than a second, you exist in the way of spectacularly amazing. Or it could be, there are no words needed when two persons becoming a couple, not a word, just holding hands. Sincerely,Michelle Liù

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