Dear Death,
I wrote this to you for the second time. I am afraid you because you might take someone that I love away at any time. You know it very well who I love, and I do care that I might lose them someday, but I don't expect that you will bring them with you at a sudden and without reason. I really cannot imagine that if one day that I will live by myself without them. For now, when I think of it a bit, I will have tears around my eyes. I don't like the feeling that physically I will lose someone in my whole life. The most impact for me was my grandmom. You took her away when I had an exam. Even though I visited her for several times during the years, but I exactly not prepared for her gone. I don't even dare to see her in eyes when I visited her because I am afraid of losing her. Then, I just pretend she's well, and she will long live as I grow up. But when I look at those wrinkles, those needles, and those blues on her, I really can't just think she will grow old with me but leave us earlier than we expected. Dear Death is it possible that, before you bring someone back, at least let me know in advance. The last thing I could do is sparing the time that we still have and accompany the one that we will lose soon. That's the only quest for you. Please!
Sincerely,Michelle Liù