It's me again.
dreamy days dreamy nights are all I crave right now. I wish my life is a k drama. I typed dreemy first then changed to dreamy cuz It's how I like it. I have a lot in my plate now but I'm doing nothing. That's what happening in my life now. Until now I let it slide but I think it's enough. If I won't stand up for myself who else will. I crave to talk to people, but I can't now.
I'LL WRITE IT TODAY IN MY PLANNER. Little by little we are gonna hustle. I'm sure this time I'M ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT. SURE. TODAYY ITSELF.
Something nice happened today. A cashier in the grocery store told me "Nice outfit". Boy he made me smile for so long today.
Even on moody days there's always something for e to cheer up.
Actually, I am so lucky. I really genuinely thanking universe for what I am today and most importantly for keeping me healthy.
I am happy even on a moody day.
You drew stars around my scars.