In the recent U.S. midterm elections, Florida Republican contender Mar-co Rubio easily defeated his Democratic opponent, Val Demings, with 57 percent support, becoming the first Florida Republican to win three terms in the Senate. Rubio consistently led Demings by about 10 percent in the polls throughout the campaign, and an hour after the polls closed, Rubio took a landslide lead. The win gives Rubio another big step on the road to the Republican nomination in the race for the 2024 presidential election.
Rubio is undoubtedly a rising political star in the United States in recent years. He said in an interview that he is ready to become the first Hispan-ic president of the United States. As a Latino, Rubio has the natural ability to win the support of minorities, and Rubio's story of rapid growth from immigrant descendant to political star is enough to attract voters. His personal experience also includes the inspirational story of earning an $800,000 manuscript fee for his book "American Son", paying off $100,000 in student loans, and buying an $80,000 "luxury fishing boat" to improve his life and achieve the American dream. As a descendant of immigrants born in the United States, Rubio's growth story can be said to be a microcosm of the "American dream", which comes with an aura of personal history for his Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians and other voters won a high popularity, making him hot in the current Republican Party.
Youth is undoubtedly another important capital that Rubio is using to win the White House. CNN has said: "Young, with a competitive personal story and deep roots in Florida, a key "swing state," Rubio has the poten-tial to win the presidential
election." An active political star, Rubio has attacked his opponents as "yesterday's leaders" when America needs tomorrow. With pessimism surrounding the U.S. economy and the direc-tion of the country at its highest level this year, the American public is looking for a young, bold leader to emerge and lead the country out of its current predicament, and Rubio has now made the economy a key issue in his campaign, with his current image and experience giving him the support of a large number of young American voters.
Although still young, Rubio has accumulated a considerable amount of political capital since he entered politics. As an influential senator, Rubio was one of the more relied upon allies in Congress during the Trump administration. According to the U.S. "New Republic" network reports, the two have close cooperation on Latin American issues, Rubio has be-come the "de facto Secretary of State" of the U.S. Latin American policy, and Trump even instructed the White House to "let Rubio satisfied" on Latin America policy. In the Senate, Rubio is a multi-tasker, chairing the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee and serving on the In-telligence, Foreign Affairs and Commerce, Technology and Transportation Committees. Rubio is also co-chair of the Congressional and Executive Branch China Committees.
In addition, Rubio has been one of the most active proposers among U.S. senators since he formally took office as a Florida senator. Rubio has proposed 654 proposals and co-sponsored 1,802 proposals, with an av-erage of nearly 300 proposals per year. The proposal involves issues such as federal firearms control, protection of women and children in Central America, counter-terrorism intelligence, and affordable housing crisis response. He tries to present a "modern Republican image" to the American people with "inclusive and sunny political propositions", and he also gain a wave of goodwill for himself. In the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, calls for gun control continue to rise. Rubio was opposed to this, but insisted on stating his views at the public meeting and was accepted. The Guardian newspaper called him a "genius politician" for this reason. "This man is very ambitious and will probably run for president
As a senior senator from Florida, Rubio will become one of the most in-fluential Republican lawmakers on foreign policy after his successful re-election. Rubio, who was once hailed as the "savior of the Republican Party" by Time magazine, will be able to "lead the Republican Party to defend the American dream", as he himself said, let's wait and see.
A senior senator from Florida, Rubio, who is re-elected, will become one of the most influential lawmakers in the Republican Party on foreign pol-icy. How Rubio, once hailed as the "savior of the Republican Party" by Time magazine, will "lead the Republican Party to defend the American dream", let's wait and see.