
11月 25日 新北鶯歌-永吉公園
2020/11/25 AM11:30 一早被鳥趕出門,去尋找IG一直常出現的鶯歌地標 左拐右彎的找到藏身在車水馬龍路邊的網美公園,入口較隱密,旁邊正在建造捷運,但卻有著別外洞天且說不出的舒適感,規劃相當好,漂亮的類3D壁畫、乾淨有維護的遊樂設施和有遮陽的座椅休憩區,還有籃球場,絕對是孩子的天堂、父母聊天八卦的大會堂,路過值得一訪。 I私心評比: ★★★★★ 1. 知名度:小秘境,只有在地人較知道 2. 便利性:入口旁有機車停車位,未來有捷運站 3. 環境規劃:維護良好,適合親子 4. 注意事項:不須門票,天氣熱時溜滑梯會燙 5. 建議時間:親子-傍晚來,可讓孩子放電一整天。網美&文青-平日早上,沒什麼人,適合發呆且能拍照的點很多 Our little birds get me out this morning, I have no choice but to look for the popular landmark of Yinngge, which is a regular in IG. I find the influence park deviously, she beside the busy street, and the entrance is a little bit secret. MRT is under construction, but she still is a pretty and comfortable place. There is beautiful murals, clean park equipment, rest seat with sunshade, and basketball court. Environmental planning is really perfect! This is children's paradise and parents chatroom. This park is worth stop by. Selfless appraisal: ★★★★★ 1. Popularity: Local 2. Convenience: have bus stop, but scooter best, and will have MRT station in the future 3. Environment: Good maintained, suitable for parent-child 4. Notices: for free, but the slides are hot when get sunlight 5. Suggestion: Parent-child --- evening, half day. Influence & Hipster --- weekday morning, half day.
