2019/3/25 市區街景 City In Auckland
2019/3/25 上課第一天,從家裡到學校大概需要35分鐘,一路上沿著海邊到了市區,市區裡大多的建築沒有特別的風格,還有許多建築工地,路上有滑板車可以租用,就像ubike,整體景觀沒有讓我特別驚豔。 Go to school on first day It takes 35 minutes from my homestay to worldwide School. In the distance, I can see the excellent sea and beach on my way. However, there was nothing special for me when I arrived in the city except for the "lime scotter", it is a kind of bike. The street looks just like normal buildings, streets and the busy people that you can see in the Taiwan capital city, Taipei.

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