Hearty Journal

2019/3/23 紐西蘭航空 Taiwan To Auckland
2019/03/23 搭乘紐西蘭航空從台灣到奧克蘭,航程接近12小時,機型波音787-9,一上機就有不一樣的感受,包含輕快歡樂的音樂、紫色絢麗的燈光、舒適乾淨的座椅(上面擺放耳機、毯子、枕頭)。 I took the Air New Zealand flight from Taiwan to Auckland, and voyage was close to 12 hours. However, there are cheerful and upbeat musics; pretty purple light and a suitable seat. (a headset, blanket and pillow are set on each seat) 座位前的電視螢幕是觸控面板,有中文(簡體)介面,比較不一樣的是沒有免稅商品銷售,其他應有盡有,另外,眼罩和耳塞是在面板上點選後由空服員送來的。 The in-flight entertainment system is touch screen, which is Chinese language you can choose, but no duty free items. By the way, eye shade and tooth brush(including paste) are ordered from the touch screen. 飛機餐有兩餐,我選了晚餐牛肉馬鈴薯(哈根達斯巧克力口味陪襯)和早餐台式炒米粉,牛肉馬鈴薯必點! My skymeals were beef potato for dinner which was so great (the chocolate flavor Haagen-Dazs is my favorite) and Taiwanese rice noodles for breakfast. 入境卡不怕看不懂英文,面板可查詢到中文繁體的翻譯,在飛機上就可以輕鬆填寫完成,然後享受整個航行旅程。 You can find the Immigration form with different language so it will be easier to fill out, and then enjoy and relax on the flight.

溫度日記 Hearty Journal