from next weeks
numerous tasks
finally finished reading THE GOOD EARTH :
owing land is much more important than silver for a farmer
the rise of the family Wang
giving birth to a lot of children
prefer boys ( bring luck and fortune ) rather than girls ( sell them to a prominent family , be a slave )
storyline can be divided into some parts
wed O-lan ( a slave, very faithful, work hard , thrift ) - go to south and come back afters one years - harvest ( earn money ) - make lotus his mistress - wed his children
rural life is quite hard
people can become robbers if they are desperate to get anything they can eat
concept of family 家族
Wang has the responsibility to help the brother of his father.
although the brother of his father was lusty, 贪婪的,虚伪的
they never work, they always ask for money at the name of family
家族观念 , deeply rooted in Chinese people's mind, forced him to 顺应他叔叔的任何要求
otherwise the village people may look down on you, they may think you don't respect 长辈
it would be shameful
now !
I am going to sleep !
bye !