11月 27日的日記
今天 I felt stressed because I have to cram for this week's Japanese test at the same time I regretted not preparing for it in August. memorizing words is really a Huge project, no to mention grammar rules ( up to 190 ). what's worse, then test also includes some N1 content. anyway, I would work hard for these days. after all, this test worths 450RMB ( crying ) from next week, I would set a Japanese learning plan to maximize the result. listening to tapes daily, watching online videos from step to step etc. [ waiting for my best anticipated film this Friday ] waiting for reading novels after damn exam !!! have a good night ~ btw, today I saw a post - dispute on whether southern dormitory should air out their comforters on northern side. it sparked controversial debate. I am on southern dormitory side. everyone has equal right to utilize public resource. this is their private property, others are not allowed to use it - what they said really goes too far. selfish, arrogant. moreover, it's important to obey rules in the public for creating a healthy environment still some inappropriate behaviors occurred in some public place, like subway. perhaps a middle-aged man, holding his phone with one hand, was talking loudly. after 15 mins, he hung up and then took a pack of cigarettes from pocket. perhaps a young girl with heavy makeup has been kissing her boyfriend until they got off the train

溫度日記 Hearty Journal