Typhoon day
『凱米』颱風從昨晚開始影響台灣,白天還沒什麼感覺,下午開始風雨越來越大,到了半夜風雨更是越來越強烈,結果就做了個淹水的夢... 這次颱風影響了好久,直到現在風雨仍然非常強勁,各地也是許多淹水災情,但多虧了颱風氣溫也降了不少,不然前陣子連日高溫轟炸,每天都是快中暑的狀態。這兩天氣溫直接降到30度以下,我甚至連冷氣都省了~ 距離上次颱風來台好像已經好幾年前了,這幾年每次都只是擦肩而過,好像台灣外圍有結界似的。雖然網路大家都說不想颱風進來,但現實中每個都想放颱風假,而且少了颱風天氣很熱又缺水,颱風過後空氣也像來了個大掃除,整個變得天空和空氣都變得很乾淨~ Typhoon Gaemi began affecting Taiwan yesterday. I didn't feel much during the day, but the wind and rain started to get stronger in the afternoon, especially at midnight. As a result, I had a dream about flooding... The typhoon has affected Taiwan for a long time, and the wind and rain are still very strong. There are floods in many places, but I am still very grateful that the typhoon has made the temperature drop a lot. Otherwise, due to the high temperatures a while ago, I felt like I was going to have a heatstroke every day. In the past two days, the temperature has decreased to below 30 degrees, and I don't even need to turn on the air conditioner. It seems like it has been several years since the last typhoon came to Taiwan. In the past few years, typhoons have just passed by every time, as if there was a barrier around Taiwan. Although many people on social media say they don’t want a typhoon to come, in reality, almost everyone hopes for a typhoon day off. I think the most important thing is that without typhoons, Taiwan will face water shortages and hot weather. After a typhoon, the air seems to undergo a thorough cleaning. The entire sky and air become clean and fresh.

溫度日記 Hearty Journal