5/07 Dinner with mickey's colleagues
2024/06/07 那一天是一個不想煮飯的日子,我和Micky決定外出用餐。於是他提議和他的同事一起吃飯,我原本以為只有一位同事,沒想到他帶了他的三位同事一起來。剛開始時我有些尷尬,畢竟我不會日文,但他們非常貼心,儘管語言不通,還是努力用翻譯軟體和我聊天。 整個晚上我們的談話內容似乎圍繞著一堆「色色」的話題。我不確定是因為這樣的話題他們覺得比較有趣,還是他們本來就比較開放,如果在台灣的話只有男生和男生之間比較常講,很少對著女生說。不過,他們都很擅長說話,每個人都是誇讚的專家,這與台灣的氛圍很不同,雖然知道他們的話未必全是真心的,但聽起來還是令人愉快~ 我第一個見到的人是Yuda ,Mickey經常提起他,我也曾在Mickey的線上會議中見過他一次。Yuda的外型很不錯,他還說他的size也很大😆感覺是個性比較強勢的人。據mickey說Yuda 多益的成績很不錯,但口說對他來說是個挑戰,不過他還是很努力地用google翻譯和我對話,雖然話題大多圍繞著在「色色」的問題上,這算是興趣嗎?這個飯局Yuda是第一個離開的,似乎因為老婆為他還不回家在生氣,因此必須先離開。 Zero外表看起來像大學生,但實際年齡是29歲,真令人羨慕,為什麼他看起來這麼年輕呢?儘管如此,我還是比較喜歡外表成熟的男人。Zero陪我和Mickey一直吃到最後,感覺是個話不多但很沈穩的人,而且女朋友非常漂亮呢! Yoshiki以前曾去過加拿大打工度假,所以英文很不錯,我們可以不用藉由翻譯直接對話。不過,那天他的髮型不知怎麼回事,和後來再見到他時像是完全不同的人,讓我經常懷疑這是同一個人嗎?髮型真的對人們來說非常重要呢!他給人的感覺是溫柔又體貼,尤其第二次見面他開車載我們去旅遊,我很感謝他~ 我覺得大家人都很nice,至少我順利且不尷尬地吃完了這頓飯。那天的重點似乎是聊天,以至於晚餐到底好不好吃我沒什麼印象了,只記得在第一家餐廳看到一隻大蟑螂!第二家餐廳空間非常狹小,Yuda的位置很可憐,總是被店員干擾,不得不彎著頭讓店員添飯。但不管如何,這是一頓愉快的晚餐! That day, I didn’t want to cook, so I decided to go out for dinner with Mickey. Mickey suggested that we have dinner with one of his close coworkers. I thought it was a good idea. I originally thought there would be only one coworker, but unexpectedly, three colleagues showed up. I was a little worried and nervous because I can't speak Japanese. At first, I felt awkward, and I think Yuda did too, but he tried using Google Translate to chat with me, so I gradually started to feel at ease. I thought they were very considerate and always created topics for me to respond to. Our conversation seemed to revolve around *『erotic』* topics all night. I'm not sure if they found this topic fun or if they are just open about it. In Taiwan, men typically discuss such topics among themselves and rarely with women, so I suddenly felt a sense of culture shock. However, they were also good at speaking and everyone was good at giving compliments. This is very different from Taiwanese culture. Although I knew their words weren't necessarily sincere, I still felt happy~ The first person I met was *Yuda* , who Mickey often mentioned, and I had also seen him once during one of Mickey’s online meetings. Yuda has a good appearance, and he joked that his size is large, haha. I thought his personality was strong. According to Mickey, Yuda’s TOEIC level is high, but speaking is a challenge for him. Despite this, he made an effort to use Google Translate to converse with me, although most topics revolved around erotic questions. Yuda was the first to leave this dinner because his wife was a little angry that he had not yet come home. *Zero* looks very young, like a university student, but he's actually 29 years old! So enviable! How does he manage to look so young? Zero had dinner with Mickey and me until the end. I thought he was a man of few words but very calm, and his girlfriend was very beautiful! *Yoshiki’s* name is the same as the drummer from my old favorite band. After graduating from university, he went to Canada on a working holiday, so his English is good. The first time I met him, his hairstyle was a bit unique and very different from when I met him again later. The second time I saw him, he seemed like a different person. Even now, I still feel Yoshiki is not the same person I met the first time. I think hairstyles are really important for people. Yoshiki is a gentle and thoughtful person, and I am especially grateful that he drove us out last time~ I felt everyone was nice, and I was able to finish the meal smoothly and without embarrassment. The focus of the day seemed to be on chatting, so I had no strong impression of whether the dinner was delicious or not. However, I do remember a very big cockroach in the first restaurant. The second restaurant was very small and crowded, and Yuda was in a very poor position, always being bothered by the restaurant staff. But anyway, these are great memories for me!

溫度日記 Hearty Journal