Hearty Journal

5/25 Mount Fuji camping
富士山前露營初體驗 2024/5/25 近年來,露營已經成為一種風潮,但我一直沒什麼機會去體驗。記得上一次露營還是學生時期學校舉辦的活動,印象中除了晚上冷得要命,還有不知哪位同學的襪子熏得整個帳篷人都在找兇手。 沒想到,時隔多年再次體驗露營就直接來到日本的河口湖,這裡可以直視富士山的美景。多虧了男友熱愛露營,終於有機會在這裡享受露營的樂趣,雖然我主要是為了富士山而來! 不過,這次的露營遠不如我們想像中那麼完美。事前就像有預兆似地提醒我們:車子臨時被借走,只能向同事借車;路上塞車塞得天荒地老;到達營地後,發現帳篷壞了,只好在開車出去買新的。而當時十度左右的溫度加上寒風直吹,很難在湖邊悠閒野炊,只能邊抖邊吃晚餐。最讓我崩潰的是洗澡時發現只有男廁有浴室!只好放棄洗澡...最後,睡前在帳篷內的一場吵架中結束這充滿了波折的一天... 至於富士山美景呢?由於天氣狀況不好,雖然富士山就在眼前,但被厚厚的雲層遮住,只能隱約看到山體。不過少了富士山點綴的河口湖,倒是有些像日月潭。 儘管這次露營充滿波折,但也正是這些插曲,讓我有這麼深刻的回憶。當下雖然無奈,事後回想卻只覺得好笑,也算是一次難得的經歷吧! In recent years, camping has become a popular trend, but I haven't had much opportunity to experience it. The last time I went camping was during a school trip in my student days. My only memories of that trip are the freezing cold nights and someone's smelly socks stinking up the entire tent. I never expected my next camping experience to be at Lake Kawaguchi in Japan, where you can directly see the stunning view of Mount Fuji. Thanks to my boyfriend's passion for camping, I had the chance to enjoy camping here, although I mainly came for Mount Fuji! However, this camping trip was not as perfect as we imagined. It was as if there was an omen reminding us that the timing was not right: Our car was temporarily borrowed, so we had to borrow one from colleague; The traffic jam on the road was endless; After arriving at the campsite, we found that the tent was broken, so we had to drive out to buy a new one.... The temperature was around 10 degrees, and the cold wind kept blowing, making it difficult to leisurely have a dinner by the lake. I could only shiver while eating dinner...🥶 The most frustrating thing was discovering that only the men's restroom had a shower! I had to give up on taking a shower... Finally, the day full of twists and turns ended with an argument inside the tent before bed... As for the beautiful view of Mount Fuji, although it was right in front of us, it was covered by thick clouds, and we could only see the faint outline of the mountain. Without the highlight of Mount Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi looked a bit like Sun Moon Lake. Although this camping trip was full of twists and turns, it was these very incidents that made it so memorable. While it was frustrating at the time, looking back, it’s surprisingly funny and has become a unique and cherished experience!

溫度日記 Hearty Journal