Individual Card on FB, 7月17日
I am used to be thankful for your inspiration from the community, accordingly, it's necessary to give what I learned yesterday evening as feedback. I will send you some screens captured to know my future notes well. It takes my time, hope you would like to enjoy notes written by Daphnie. The lesson is 個人名片設計! 我習慣於感謝您從社區中獲得的靈感,因此,有必要將我昨天晚上所學到的作為反饋。我將向您發送一些屏幕截圖,以便很好地了解我未來的筆記。這花時間,希望你喜歡達芙妮寫的筆記。課程是個人名片設計!

溫度日記 Hearty Journal