Untitled, May 26
We reached Pehelgam at 1pm. Went on a trek with parents. Started filming though it seemed silly at first, snippets of the tour. While returning through the market a lad clasped my hand. I don't know what he mistook me for or he did accidentally. But I just smiled at him and moved past. I had apple juice in a small motel. It was fresh from, the trees. I sat down in the balcony with my book to read. I was reading the chapter evidence when a lady couldn't video call her son,and came into the balcony. I showed her how face time works. Since I was sitting alone she also started talking. I realised that strangers are more comfortable in approaching you when you are alone. The sun sets at about 8 pm here. Pretty weird, right?The evening past by placidly . She has come from Maharashtra, asked me about Kolkata. I elaborated the city of joy. Unlike it happens back in West Bengal. Then we tasted the local food for the dinner at 9pm. The dal had a flowery smell. Something unprecedented yet delicious. We started doing Kareoke at about ten. Then sis recorded a random dance video I stepped up for. I am a novice, I know, still it's cute how people enjoy watching and dancing cheers up everyone’s mood. At ten thirty we sat around the round table to hear a cliff-hanger short story before bedtime. Papa was sceptical about it but at the end he relished listening to the story the most. Some friends appreciated my dance video, unexpectedly, Scrod also posted a travel blog clip of mine in his status. It's just that little something that made today more memorable . Good night, for now. Exercise Paint Medicine Bedsheet

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