9月 4日-2017-起始
一早, 想繼續看"成為一個人"而開了電腦, 先收個EMAIL, 看見汶把上次自我探索的功課寄給我分享. 其實在開電腦前, 在研究心輔所的補習班. 下午或許會去各家看看, 畢業兩年了, 決定這種事情比以前更加小心謹慎, 現下的自己覺得, 想要, 所以行動. 家人的支持真的讓我安心不少, 但也仍舊不安, 好像成年了卻沒有負擔起應付的經濟責任, 也就是前面所述更加小心謹慎的原因. 如果這真是我想要, 那就付出理所當然的代價去追求吧, 因為值得. 希望未來有一天能跟汶一起出版一本書, 不曉得未來紙本書電子書, 還是會有更不一樣的趨勢出現. 但本人的記性實在很糟, 所以, 先把點滴寫在這裡. 汶是我的啟蒙者, 打開了自我與這世界的連結, 開始探索開始哭泣, 我想心輔, 不只認識自己, 了解自我處境, 最終目的其實是讓人得以自助, 尋求幫助便是自助的第一步, 但能夠從根解決問題的, 在於自己的想法與行動. (並非一直膠著在問題上就能改善, 人的生活有很多面向和方向, 跳出問題再回到問題, 也會是個方式. EG,汶的高中) === This morning, before I continued "On Becoming A Person", I checked my e-mail first. Wen sent me her description about herself and her family, which was her job's homework. I'm wondering if I study about psychology and counseling as a graduate student. I will take time to find out which cram school is my best choice. I graduated from a university for two years, so I make all choices more carefully and thoughtfully than any other time I made my decision. After all, I'm responsible for myself and have duty on my cost. I want, so I do. My father supports my decision, and that makes me feel better and relieved, as I can pursue anything I want. However, I still feel guilty that I cannot independence on my finance status. I make sure what I seek, and it's worth to pay as much as I can, even more. No matter the book will be released in paper, or on the Net, I hope one day I could publish a book with my dear Wen. Due to my terrible memory, I note all things here as my data base. Wen enlightened me. She opened me to quest myself as well as to connect with the society. I started to acquaint and started to cry. I think psychology and counseling is not only to discover who you are and what you are facing, but also the most important, make you help yourself. Asking for help is the first step to rescue yourself, and to solve the root of the problem, the key is to change your mind and your act. (Sometimes to resolve the difficulty, is not to focus too much on the trouble. There are lots of aspects in your life, try to look at other sides, and come back to face it again, you will figure out a better way to deal with it. Case by Wen in her senior high period.)

溫度日記 Hearty Journal