May 10
My day today was okay. I mostly felt tired. I woke up late today again and rushed to get ready. I made it downstairs in time though. I made sure to bring the corkboard for the play. I also need to remember to bring the two trees tomorrow. I probably should have gotten that ready earlier. Today I spent the first three periods taking my AP Lang test which I'm pretty sure I failed. I probably got a 1 on it. By a miracle, I may get a 2. I finished my accounting final recently so I didn't do anything for fifth either. Edge is also finished, so I only have to worry about four periods now. I think it's only 2 weeks now until graduation day. I don't feel quite ready to be a full-fledged adult yet. I need to get over my procrastination...I didn't finish my rough draft and now it's going to be late. I hope my grade can still go up to a B. And I'm also thinking about the play this Friday. I really hope I don't mess up my lines. It's been stressful, having a lot to think about. Oh and I've been thinking about going into the medical field. Maybe. It would certainly not be boring. Goodnight now.

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